'spacemacs" is just a pre-configured version of emacs. I personally
don't like spacemacs, but I have 'stolen' some of their configuration
for my own setup.

I find these pre-configured versions of emacs (spacemacs,
prelude, better-defaults, Purcell's emacs.d, emagicians, etc) to be good
references and a place for getting ideas, but just using them has a
significant downside - you end up running an emacs configuration you
don't really understand and are then at the mercy of others when it
comes to problem diagnosis.


Neil Jerram <n...@ossau.homelinux.net> writes:

> Michaël Chlon <mic.a.elle.ch...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Hi,
>> I have spacemacs and write some org files.
> By the way, does anyone else find "spacemacs" bothering?  Unlike
> previous things like MicroEmacs, which have somehow always been clear to
> me to be very different things from Emacs, I get the impression that
> "spacemacs" users think that Emacs communities should be able to help
> them in detail, which suggests that they think it's basically the same
> thing.
> But if it's the same as Emacs, why use a different name that makes me
> hesitate / worry over whether it might be different from Emacs?
> On the other hand, if it's different from Emacs, does it still make
> sense to ask for support here?
> I'm genuinely in the dark here, although inclined to think that forking
> the name (of Emacs) is a subtly damaging thing to do; so interested
> either to be put right or to hear other opinions.
> Regards,
>     Neil

Tim Cross

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