"aldrin d'souza" <aldrindso...@gmail.com> writes:

> hello,
> i have setup a small website using org-publish. it works great but
> there's one bit missing. i have to generate the rss/atom feed
> manually. does anyone know of a better way to generate these feeds
> using some extension to the org-publish?

I've been hoping to create a simple means of syndicating org-mode
content, but, alas, have not had time bring my elisp skills up to speed.

There are a few options for publishing blogs via org-mode, but neither
is being developed:

- http://lumiere.ens.fr/~guerry/blorg.php
- http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/org-blog.el

The former produces an entire blog from a single org-file. The latter
uses one file per blog entry.

Muse mode for emacs has a simple "Journal" feature that produces rss

- http://mwolson.org/static/doc/muse.html#Journal

You might want to look at the code in muse-journal.el.

So to answer your question: I'm not aware of any simple solution that
works at present, but the above packages might provide some ideas.


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