> Nicolas Goaziou writes: > > I assume you mean that sub/superscript markers are hidden (i.e., > relevant configuration settings for WYSIWYG). > > But in what cases do users need to edit the textual markup? Can they be > avoided ?
I use the markup to help read language with differing variations in sounds, graphs and meaning. The following is an example. Now I always enclose sup/subscripts with the curly braces to lessen the chances of WYSIWYG dropping out. And, in that case, I would need to edit the textual markup. Sometimes the markup mechanism won’t let me switch from sup/subscript appending to the end of the line. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE - 我永远感激郭先生对我在学术上的启迪和指导。 I will always feel my teacher showed me the way at school. 我^wo3_ngo5^{*1* I}_{*2* me}^{*3* my} 永^yong3_wing5^{(_streams flow forever_)}_forever^always_perpetual 远^yuan3_yun5^{(/robe/ moving)}_far^distant_remote^{by far intensifier}_much *1* forever *2* eternal 感^gan3_gam2^{(/salty/ mind-heart)}_{(_seeing_ /sounding/ meaning)}^{to feel}_{to move}^{to touch}_{to affect}^feeling_emotion^{sense of …} 激^ji1_gik1^{(_flowing water_ /clear-bright/)} *1* to be grateful *2* to appreciate *3* thankful 郭^guo1_gwok3^23_30^{_/city/ on hill_}_{city wall}^{family name} 先^xian1_sin1 生^sheng1_saang1 teacher 对^dui4_deui3 我^wo3_ngo5 assessed me 在^zai4_joi6^at 学^xue2_hok6^school 术^shu4_seut6 上^shang4_seung5 的^de5_dik1 启^qi3_kai2^78_8^{(_door opening open_)} 迪^di2_dik6^113_9^{(_move to low hanging fruit_)} to enlighten 和^he4_wo4^{(_grain and mouth_)} 指^zhi3_ji2 导^dao3_dou6 *1* to guide *2* to give directions *3* to direct *4* to coach *5* guidance *6* tuition #+END_EXAMPLE