As far I understand it, |:output-dir| and |:file-ext| that were intended
to be used in the global document header, applying to all blocks.
However, it seems to mean that all blocks regardless of their :results
args then emit a file, and put their output as a [file:] link. It's not
clear from the docs why this happens.
Am I missing something, or does this mean that these arguments are
useless unless a document happens only to emit graphics from blocks? At
the moment, the blocks (R, as it happens) are meant to sometimes emit
scalars, sometimes literal latex, sometimes tables to be formatted by
orgs, and sometimes graphics. But all the non-graphics are at the moment
being stuffed into (non-working) PDF files.
Following a discussion and suggested, but not-working solution at:
- [O] Babel - :export-dir and :file-ext arguments cause all ... Alex Fenton