Hello. I run
emacs -Q -l ~/tmp/scr.emacs The file ~/tmp/scr.emacs contains (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20180521/") (setq org-agenda-files '("~/tmp/bug-agenda.org")) (global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda) (find-file "~/tmp/bug-agenda2.org") ;; <- empty file The file ~/tmp/bug-agenda.org contains * foo :bar:baR:Bar:BAR: When in the empty document ~/tmp/bug-agenda2.org, if I type C-a m <TAB> it gives "BAR" in the minibuffer. If I type C-a m B<TAB> it also gives "BAR". If I type C-a m b<TAB> it gives "baR". Is it normal? Am I doing something wrong? Thank you. Regards. Emacs : GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.18.9) of 2016-04-11 on buildvm-25.phx2.fedoraproject.org Package: Org mode version 9.1.13 (9.1.13-elpa @ /home/cochard/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20180521/) -- EOST (École et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre) IPG (Institut de Physique du Globe) | alain.coch...@unistra.fr 5 rue René Descartes [bureau 106] | Phone: +33 (0)3 68 85 50 44 F-67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France | Fax: +33 (0)3 68 85 01 25