
The link handling for org mode behaves unexpectedly where a file sets
org mode according to `Local variables:' at the end of the file.

In the following, a.org and b.org files work as expected using M-x
org-store-link and M-x org-insert-link for `file:' link.

Without the .org filename extension, following the link calls

  `open file:' which leads to Org Mode opening the file with TextEdit

under mac os, Emacs 26.1 rc-1.

;;;; ------------------------------------

;; running      : Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs -Q
;; problem      : This two file arrangment for `Emacs -Q' *fails* to follow the 
;; expect       : Emacs to open a link to org file.
;; unexpected   : Emacs calls TextEdit to open org file.
;; solution     : if file a and b are called a.org and b.org then there is no 

;; Solution needs org files named without the `.org’ extension
;; to follow `file:’ links without leaving Emacs.

;;;; ------------------------------------
;; file         : a

* one

** two

*** three

[[file:b::*title%20%E4%B8%AD][title 中]]

# Local variables:
# mode: org
# End:

;;;; ------------------------------------
;; file : b

* work

** title 中

*** chapter

# Local variables:
# mode: org
# End:

;;;; ============================================================
;; file a.org

* one

** two

*** three

[[file:b.org::*title%20%E4%B8%AD][title 中]]

;;;; ============================================================
;; file b.org

* work

** title 中

*** chapter

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