On 2018-05-18, at 21:57, Adonay Felipe Nogueira <adf...@hyperbola.info> wrote:

> c) better: do it with only free/libre software, and perhaps even teach
>    or show the people involved how to make use of tools that support
>    your workflow. For example Software Carpentry has awesome
>    collaborative material on the basics of VCS using Git and of
>    statistics wih R.
>    If you don't have time to teach, make use of a tool that eases *them*
>    participating in their terms.
>    As an example, I'm writing my final course work using Org-mode, LaTeX
>    and TikZ/PGF (this last one is for graphics), and whenever I want to
>    send a snapshot for review to my advisor I do so through making a
>    .pdf, but there is even more...
>    The .pdf files don't actually track changes, so I must go into the
>    extra step of doing the following:

Or use latexdiff (in case of LaTeX).


Marcin Borkowski

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