Suppose I have a plain list as the following:
* TODO Read books
1. [ ] Book 1
Note: blah blah blah
2. [ ] Book 2
Note: blah blah blah
When the above is exported to HTML, the line breaks after the "heading
line" of each list item are lost, so it becomes "Book1 Note: blah blah
blah", which does not look very nice to me. I know I can keep the line
breaks by inserting a blank line, like this:
* TODO Read books
1. [ ] Book 1
Note: blah blah blah
2. [ ] Book 2
Note: blah blah blah
Well, this will fix the export, but the text above looks ugly now,
especially when the "Note" part is very short.
Can we add some kind of option to control whether the line break after
the first line of a plain list item should be preserved in exporting? Or
maybe we can assume the line breaks should be preserved when
"org-cycle-include-plain-lists" is set to "t", since in that case we are
treating the plain list item kind of like a heading.
Note setting "org-export-preserve-breaks" does not meet my needs, since
that will preserve ALL breaks.
Thanks for giving the above a thought.
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