<n...@aleblanc.cotse.net> writes:

> Just discovered a bug in my previously posted function. It doesn't work
> too well if you have lower level subtrees tagged for encryption.

I also forgot to mention that you need to have pgg pre-loaded.
This will ensure that:

(defun my-func-org-toggle-encryption (rcpts passphrase)
  (interactive (list (split-string (read-string "Recipients (default is none): 
") "[ \t,]+")
                     (pgg-read-passphrase "GnuPG passphrase: ")))
  (require 'pgg)
  (org-map-entries '(let (start end teststring)
                      (setq start (point))
                      (setq teststring (buffer-substring start (+ start 27)))
                      (if (not (equal (point) (point-max)))
                      (setq end (point))
                      (if (equal teststring "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----")
                          (if (pgg-decrypt-region start end passphrase)
                              (pgg-display-output-buffer start end t)
                            (message "Can't decrypt region!"))
                        (if (equal rcpts '(""))
                            (pgg-encrypt-symmetric-region start end passphrase)
                          (pgg-encrypt-region start end rcpts nil passphrase))
                        (pgg-display-output-buffer start end t)))


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