På Fri, 06 Mar 2009 19:27:19 +0100, skrev Richard Riley <rileyrg...@googlemail.com>:

Eric S Fraga <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> writes:

On 2009-03-06, Ivan Nedrehagen <ivann...@broadpark.no> wrote:
Hi, org-mode is the best organizer in the world. To bad I cant fit emacs
in my filofax ;)

This is currently my personal holy grail... I'm constantly scouring
the web-sphere for any small computer that will (a) fit in my jacket
pocket and (b) run emacs! I want something to replace my old Psion 3s which
is what I used until the last one died and I switched to org-mode
instead.  Having now gotten used (addicted, methinks) to org-mode, the
bar has been raised and I cannot consider any computer that won't run
Emacs as a result.

There are a couple of contenders just appearing on the market, or
which *may* be appearing, including the umid m1 and the openpandora
project.  I do fully expect something appropriate and hopefully
affordable will appear on the market this year.

At the moment, I use my Asus eee PC (the original model) as my
organizer (typing this message on it, in fact) but it's a little large
to fit in any jacket pocket unfortunately.

I have been looking too, but cant help feeling anything smaller than an
netbook just wont have the keyboard needed for emacs.

That is the real problem. I have a Neo Freerunner (Open smartphone)
capable of running most linux programs. But with a onscreen keyboard,
emacs wouldn't do much good. Instead I am writing an python application
that can sync and display my headers from my org file. It is not the
same, but it extends the "reach" of my org-file.

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