On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 8:49 PM, Sebastian Rose <sebastian_r...@gmx.de> wrote:

> We're planning to solve this problem by dropping the dependency on the
> shell scipt entirely.
> But it should be easy to write a batch file for this too:
> c:\programme\...\emacsclient.exe --eval "(progn (bzg/org-annotation-helper 
> \"%1\" ) nil)"
This I think works (even without the full path)
> and save it as *.bat. Dose that work?
However the remember link in FF does not work.
I tried registering the remember protocol in regedit with the foll file

@="URL:remember Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""



@="\"C:\\downloads\\emacs-22.1\\bin\\oah.bat\" \"%1\""

(yes my paths are strange and org-annotation-helper shell script is
morphed into oah.bat)

Now it seems to work in the sense that ff jumps into a remember buffer
into emacs
Not yet figured out the template stuff.


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