Kaushal Modi <kaushal.m...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Mon, Apr 23, 2018, 5:35 PM Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net>
> wrote:
>> Would there be any consideration for an inline syntax that looks more
>> like a link? Personally, when I want inline TODOs, I want them because
>> there's a particular chunk of text that I need to do something with.
>> What about something that looks like:
>> In 2005 there were approximately [[TODO: Verify this; SCHEDULED:
>> <tomorrow>; :statistics:][4,500]] Confucius Institutes in operation
>> worldwide.
> How would you distinguish between regular links and such inline TODO's when
> the "link" portion is hidden?
> Would footnotes serve better? (I'm not a consumer of inline todos (yet?) so
> consider this suggestion with a grain of salt :))

I’d also prefer that.  I have often used inline tasks for long

One downside would be that it would move the tast contents further away
from the main contents it’s discussing.  E.g. I have used it for
discussions with co-authors and I think they’d maybe find footnotes
confusing.  For just me, footnotes TODOS would be great.

Note, you can also have inline todos: [[TODO::Inline todo text]].


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