"Berry, Charles" <ccbe...@ucsd.edu> writes:

>> On Apr 10, 2018, at 5:42 AM, Sharon Kimble <boudic...@skimble.plus.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Samuel Wales <samolog...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> [fn:apples: ...]
>>> [fn:apples]
>> I'm sorry Samuel, but it seems like you haven't read all of my initial
>> question, where I stated 'All my footnotes are 4 digits like
>> '[fn:0010]'.' I'm not going to change my habits of using numerical
>> footnotes that have been in documents for over ten years now to alpha
>> footnotes. Sorry, its just not going to happen!
>> But I am open to any other suggestions which involve numerical
>> footnotes?
> Numerical footnotes work the same as alpha AFAICS. So, Samuel's suggestion 
> works, but I think you
> may be asking a question about repeating the *text* of a footnote rather than 
> merely referencing it
> from a different location. If so, there may be a latex solution for you. 
> Perhaps this helps:
>       http://www.tex.ac.uk/FAQ-repfootnote.html
> and the fixfoot package is what you need.
> ??
> If not maybe you can elaborate on what the desired latex should be.

Thanks Chuck.

Yes it is 'repeating text' that I want in my reused footnotes.

The problem with the latex solutions that you've proposed is that they
rely on what I call 'static footnotes' meaning that the footnote number
always stays the same, whereas org-mode uses 'dynamic footnotes' meaning
that if you insert one between 3 and 4 they are automatically renumbered
to "3 and new one 4 and 5".

When you're writing a long document, be it a book or an article or even
a letter and you use footnotes, its very handy for them to be
recalibrated every time that you use or insert a footnote. This
recalibration or automatic renumbering is a godsend I've found, and is
one of the strengths of org-mode, especially when you're memory is
becoming increasingly problematic and you keep forgetting what you want
to say.

And that's why I'm trying to get repeat text in org-modes dynamic
footnotes. In every experiment that I've made using [fn:0001] as my
reference point it has failed, seemingly due to an inability to graft
latex commands into an org-mode dynamic footnote, which is then exported
and published as an latexed PDF.

To help in potentially debugging or getting this going I'm also
including my very minimalist totally nonsensical MWE -

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+STARTUP: fnadjust
#+LaTeX_class: memoir

* Introduction
# \minitoc

You can also find information about your rights and choices, including refusing 
treatment, setting
down your wishes for your future treatment, and _how_ [fn:1] to give someone 
the legal right to make
decisions for you if you are no longer capable.

# \footnote{how is a banana\label{fn:repeat}}
[fn:1] how is a banana\label{1:how is a banana}

# [fn:1] \footnote{how is a banana\label{fn:repeat}}

** What is palliative care?

It can be delivered alongside particular treatments, such as chemotherapy or 
Palliative care helps people with advanced or terminal illnesses have the best 
possible _quality of
life_ [fn:2]. This also includes support for their families.

# Specialist palliative care is typically delivered by a team with diverse 
expertise in caring for
# people with progressive and life-limiting illness.

[fn:2] The individuals's ability to enjoy normal life activities.

*** What is palliative care?

End-of-life care includes palliative care. If you have an illness that can't be 
cured, palliative
care makes you as comfortable as possible, by managing your pain and other 
distressing symptoms. It
also involves psychological, social and spiritual support for you and your 
family or carers. This is
called a holistic approach, because it deals with you as a "whole" _person_. 
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


[fn:0001] http://www.tex.ac.uk/FAQ-repfootnote.html
A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk
TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk
DrugFacts = https://www.drugfacts.org.uk
Debian 9.4, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs 25.3.4, org 9.1.9

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