Aloha Lawrence,
#+name: myelsquare
#+header: :var x=0
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var x=0
(defun myelsquare (x)
(* x x))
#+RESULTS: myelsquare
: myelsquare
Assuming myelsquare has been evaluated:
#+name: eval-myelsquare
#+header: :var y=2
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(myelsquare y)
#+RESULTS: eval-myelsquare
: 4
#+call: eval-myelsquare(3)
: 9
Lawrence Bottorff writes:
I guess I need more information. For example, what is C-c C-v v
exactly? Then C-x C-e? And M-x (symbol-function 'myelsquare)
doesn't work.
#+name: myelsquare
#+header: :var x=0
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var x=0
(defun myelsquare (x)
(* x x))
is Lisp code where the last thing should be returned. From
#+name: json
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var file='() :var url='()
(require 'json)
(org-babel-with-temp-filebuffer file
(goto-char (point-min))
(require 'w3m)
(w3m-retrieve url)
(goto-char (point-min))
And this calling a sample json-containing file gives
#+call: json(file="jsontest1")
| glossary | (title . example glossary) | (GlossDiv (title . S)
(GlossEntry (ID . SGML) (SortAs . SGML) (GlossTerm . Standard
Markup Language) (Acronym . SGML) (Abbrev . ISO 8879:1986)
(GlossDef (para
. A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such
as DocBook.)
(GlossSeeAlso . [GML XML])) (GlossSee . markup)))) |
which is correct, although not in list form. So again I'm
looking at elisp
code that is not in the form of a function. So I'm guessing
cannot be #+call'ed, just "headless" elisp code. So what
advantage does LOB
On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 5:39 PM, Berry, Charles
<> wrote:
> On Apr 3, 2018, at 1:31 PM, Lawrence Bottorff
> <> wrote:
> I've been trying to grok LOB again. So I've cloned the worg
> git and
library-of-babel.el is one of the files. org-babel-lob-injest
didn't work,
M-x org-babel-lob-ingest RET org/worg/ RET
Don't be a jester, be an ingester. ;-)
> so I customized org-babel-lob-files and inserted
.../worg/library-of-babel.el . . . and it did in fact get added
to my
init.el under the custom-set-variables:
> '(org-babel-lob-files (quote
> ("~/org/worg/")))
> I checked org-babel-library-of-babel variable, and the new
> things seemed
to be there, although it's rather mind-bending to know I will
be calling
LOB code that is internally stored inside of an association
> Now, in my org file I put this:
> #+lob: write(file="jsontest")
See (info"(org) Evaluating code blocks")
The proper idiom is
#+call: write(file="jsontest")
Of course, there needs to be a proper 'write' src block in the
file you
ingested, etc.
> and try C-c C-c on it. Nothing. My minibuffer says "local
> setup has been
refreshed". How does one use, call a LOB function? Also, while
demonstrating my rank noobian-ness, I try this:
> #+name: myelsquare
> #+header: :var x=0
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (* x x)
> #+end_src
> #+call: myelsquare(x=6)
> : 36
> but this results in
> #+name: myelsquare
> #+header: :var x=0
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (defun myelsquare (x)
> (* x x))
> #+end_src
> #+call: myelsquare(x=6)
> : myelsquare2
Is this *verbatim* ? Did you cut and paste everything
(including the
trailing `2') all at once? If so, I do not get it.
I would have expected
: myelsquare
which is the correct behavior.
To see why put point in the myelsquare src block and type C-c
C-v v
then move point to the end of the 'preview' buffer and type C-x
Look at the value echo-ed in the minibuffer.
If it still isn't clear maybe `M-x (symbol-function
'myelsquare)' will
Thomas S. Dye