> To answer my own question

   > | / | /     |     |       | /   |
   > |   | Name  | Res | Letra | Obs |
   > |---+-------+-----+-------+-----|
   > |   | Smith |   0 |       |     |
   > |   | Jones | 1.4 |       |     |
   > |   | Bond  | 5.6 | *     |     |

   > All columns starting with / are ignored when exporting. Sorry for the
   > noise and the double posting.

That is not entirely correct. Someone (I forgot who it was, sorry)
provided me with the following hack

(add-hook 'org-export-before-processing-hook

(defun f-ox-filter-table-column-del (back-end)
   "Delete the columns $2 to $> marked as \"/\" on a row with \"/\" in $1.
 If you want a non-empty column $1 to be deleted make it $2 by
 inserting an empty column before or rearrange column order in
 some other way. Make sure \"/\" is in $1 again after that."
   (while (re-search-forward
           "^[ \t]*| +/ +|\\(.*?|\\)?? +\\(/\\) +|" nil t)
     (goto-char (match-beginning 2))

That is very useful and I wonder why there is nothing in org vanilla
(but then it might and I did not find it.)

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