
to those engineers, who are responsible for adding new features: does this case
of enabling linkwords with spaces (see below) qualifies as a new feature
request? If yes - where should I file it?

Thank you!


> > Why should this not be parse-able? Cut #+LINK: from the beginning, URL
> > (last token) from the end, and the rest will be "link word", even with
> > (several) spaces in between...
> Can we be sure so-called URL part will never contain a space? You put
> a constraint either on the linkword or on the "URL" part.

1. If I were to choose on which part to put a constraint - I'll do so
with the "URL" part as it appears only once and in the best case as meta
data in comments, while "link word" can appear tens or hundreds of times
in the text itself, which needs to look nice.

2. Spaces in URLs a rare, while all docs that have more than one word in
their title look nicer with spaces. I found only 3 cases here:

3. Anyway the problem of spaces in the URLs is not a new one - you have
the same in bash. Solution - just put URL part in "URL", as you usually
do on command line. And as you already do defining

("url-to-ja" . "http://translate.google.fr/translate?sl=en&tl=ja&u=%h";)

so for the cases where there must be spaces in the URL do:

#+LINK: My Book "path/to/My Book.org"

but by default in normal case just use:

#+LINK: My Book path/to/My_Book.org

What is your opinion? Can this qualify as feature request?


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