I settled on using a small Python script, since I am not
a Lisp programmer.
1. I created a text file todononum.txt which contains
the next number to use.
2. I created the following script to read this file, return the
next available number formatted in a unique, easy to find string,
for example [#310].
# script next_todo.py
import sys
nextnum_file = "C:/charles/gtd/todonum.txt"
f = open(nextnum_file, 'r')
except IOError:
print "Unable to open %s. Program terminating." % nextnum_file
val = int(f.readline()) + 1
of = open(nextnum_file, 'w')
of.write("%d\n" % val)
print "[#%s]" % val
If you don't need human readable numbers, you could try something like
the following to generate a hash:
import hashlib
from time import strftime
timestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
s = myorg_item + timestamp
myhash = hashlib.sha224(s).hexdigest()
This combines your org text with the current timestamp to generate a
hash. Since it's unlikely that you will try to create a hash from two
identical org items at the same moment in time, this should be unique.
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