* org.el (org-string<): Add.
(org-op-to-function): Use it.
(org-string> etc.): Use collated comparison.

Cf. commit 551d2f1fe.
 lisp/org.el | 9 +++++----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index ac1ad3c75..edae502a8 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -14045,7 +14045,7 @@ (defun org-op-to-function (op &optional stringp)
   "Turn an operator into the appropriate function."
   (setq op
-        ((equal  op   "<"       ) '(<     string<      org-time<))
+        ((equal  op   "<"       ) '(<     org-string<  org-time<))
         ((equal  op   ">"       ) '(>     org-string>  org-time>))
         ((member op '("<=" "=<")) '(<=    org-string<= org-time<=))
         ((member op '(">=" "=>")) '(>=    org-string>= org-time>=))
@@ -14054,9 +14054,10 @@ (defun org-op-to-function (op &optional stringp)
   (nth (if (eq stringp 'time) 2 (if stringp 1 0)) op))
 (defun org<> (a b) (not (= a b)))
-(defun org-string<= (a b) (or (string= a b) (string< a b)))
-(defun org-string>= (a b) (not (string< a b)))
-(defun org-string>  (a b) (and (not (string= a b)) (not (string< a b))))
+(defun org-string<  (a b) (string-collate-lessp a b))
+(defun org-string<= (a b) (or (string= a b) (string-collate-lessp a b)))
+(defun org-string>= (a b) (not (string-collate-lessp a b)))
+(defun org-string>  (a b) (and (not (string= a b)) (not (string-collate-lessp 
a b))))
 (defun org-string<> (a b) (not (string= a b)))
 (defun org-time=  (a b) (setq a (org-2ft a) b (org-2ft b)) (and (> a 0) (> b 
0) (=     a b)))
 (defun org-time<  (a b) (setq a (org-2ft a) b (org-2ft b)) (and (> a 0) (> b 
0) (<     a b)))

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