Thorsten Jolitz <> writes:

> You used the word 'discrepancy',

True. I inferred it from

  (funny enough, some org elements have 'value' as their content, others

which, IMO, sounds like it is a surprising fact.

> I simply needed to know for each org
> element what is interpreted and what not. And some have a content,
> others a :value.

As in every AST, some nodes are terminal (no contents), and some are not

This distinction is made in `org-element-greater-elements', i.e.,
non-terminal elements. See also `org-element-recursive-objects' for
non-terminal objects.

> So if I pass 'Hello World' as content to an example
> block, nothing happens, if I pass it via :value, it appears as the
> blocks ... well, content.

Contents imply Org syntax. This would defeat the purpose of an example

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