You probably want this:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun my-redo ()
   (lambda ()
     (org-todo "TODO"))
   "TODO=\"DONE\""  ;; the match argument
   'tree))  ;; the scope

Then call:

M-x my-redo

in the tree you want to reset.


Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 4:36 PM, mediapathic steen <>

> I have a subtree that contains a daily list of things to do (which I keep
> as TODOs rather than checklist form for more granular time tracking). I
> want to reset all of the DONE to TODO every day when I start it. Right now
> I have this piece of code I copypasted from somewhere now lost (possibly
> this very group):
> (org-map-entries (lambda ()
>           (when
>               (string=
>                (nth 2 (org-heading-components)) "DONE")
>                (org-todo "TODO"))))
> This more or less makes sense to me. I have this code sitting in the
> subtree, and  in order to do my daily reset, I edit the subtree in an
> indirect buffer, eval-region the code, then kill the buffer.
> What I would like to accomplish:
> 1) Can you help me understand how to modify this code so that it only
> applies to the subtree it's run in (parents also would be fine in this case
> but not necessary and seems more of a challenge)? Doing the indirect buffer
> thing seems more hassle than is reasonable.
> 2) I think I understand how to put this in my init in such a way that I
> can C-x invoke it, rather than having to eval-region it, but I'm not
> certain. Can you point me toward a reasonable tutorial or hints on how to
> do that in general?
> Thanks in advance,
> -- Steen

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