I have two machines:  WinXP and Vista (64 bit) with Emacs 22.3
on both.

Both are configured the same in terms of libraries and, specifically,
the org-mode configuration is the same.

However, the (require 'org-install) on the Vista system doesn't
seem to work the same as it does on WinXP.  When I type C-c a
on the XP system I get the usual menu asking for the additional
key for the type of agenda I want.

On the Vista system, though, when I type C-c a I don't get this
menu and it provides the agenda in the default format (which isn't
really as useful to me).

I do a C-h f on org-agenda and it tells me (on the Vista system)
that it is an interactive  Lisp function in 'org.el'.

Apparently, even with the (require ...) in my .emacs file I am
not loading 'org-install.

Any ideas why this would be?


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