On Mar 3, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Sebastian Rose wrote:

Carsten Dominik <domi...@science.uva.nl> writes:
On Mar 3, 2009, at 10:54 AM, Carsten Dominik wrote:

Hi Sebastian,

should this really be its own paragraph? I think it could be in the creator

Actually, I take that back.

I have applied your patch, but wrapped it into a variable
org-export-html-validation-link which defaults to nil.

- Carsten

I'm fine with this.
Also, I found that there is no attribut `target' anymore in XHTML.

But we would receive more error reports if the default was to add the
validation link.

The variable is great though, because I now can change it to validate
local HTML, just as FF developer-toolbar does.

The variable is a boolean currently.  You want it
to specify the link?

- Carsten


Sebastian Rose, EMMA STIL - mediendesign, Niemeyerstr.6, 30449 Hannover
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