Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:

> Dear Narendra,
> Here is what I am using:
> (defun org-att-complete-link (&optional arg)
>   "Completion dispatcher for att: links (rewritten from org-attach-open)"
>   (let* ((attach-dir (org-attach-dir t))
>        (files (org-attach-file-list attach-dir))
>        (file (if (= (length files) 1)
>                  (car files)
>                (completing-read "att: "
>                                 (mapcar #'list files) nil t)))
>        (path (expand-file-name file attach-dir)))
>     (concat "att:" file)))
> (add-to-list 'org-link-abbrev-alist '("att" . org-attach-expand-link))
> (org-link-set-parameters
>  "att"
>  :complete 'org-att-complete-link)
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun org-att-complete-link (&optional arg)
    "Completion dispatcher for att: links (rewritten from org-attach-open)"
    (let* ((attach-dir (expand-file-name org-attach-directory org-directory))
               (file-paths (directory-files-recursively attach-dir ".*"))
           (completions (mapcar (lambda (f)
                                  (cons (file-name-base f) f))
               (file-name (completing-read "att: " completions nil t))
               (path (assoc-default file-name completions)))
      (concat "att:" path)))

This worked for me. I had to change it a bit for my use case. Thanks a
lot for the help! :)

Narendra Joshi

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