The example I original copied from is Emacs org-mode info.
So I rewrite a hand typing content again:
* Test
#+begin_src shell :tangle yes :noweb yes :shebang #!/bin/sh
** the mount point of the fullest disk
:header-args: :noweb-ref fullest-disk
*** query all mount disks
#+begin_src shell
df \
*** strip the header row
#+begin_src shell
| sed '1d' \
*** output mount point of fullest disk
#+begin_src shell
| awk '{if (u < +$5) {u = +$5; m = $6}} END {print m}'
I can preview the first src block with [C-c C-v v] now. It is correct:
df \
| sed '1d' \
| awk '{if (u < +$5) {u = +$5; m = $6}} END {print m}'
I can tangle it with [C-c C-v t] to same file name shell script
But just can't run [C-c C-v e] or [C-c C-]. (Reports same error)
Seems org-mode can find correct noweb-ref for tangle but can't for eval.
On 12/18/2017 01:40 AM, Berry, Charles wrote:
On Dec 17, 2017, at 6:58 AM, stardiviner <> wrote:
I have the following org-mode file content:
#+begin_src shell :tangle yes :noweb yes :shebang #!/bin/sh
** the mount point of the fullest disk
:header-args: :noweb-ref fullest-disk
*** query all mounted disks
When I copied your ECM to a fresh org-buffer and typed `C-c C-v v' with point
in the above src block I got an org babel preview buffer with nothing.
Looking closely, I saw a character that was not visible in the gnus buffer from
which I copied. Before the: PROPERITES: lines you have 32 160 32.
160 renders as a light brown underscore when I eval `(char-to-string 160)' on
my MacPro, emacs 25.2.1.
32 is blank. Converting all three to blank. and Running `C-c C-v v' gives the
contents of the src blocks under the noweb-ref headline.