> (defhydra hydra-zoom ()
>   "zoom"
>   ("g" text-scale-increase "in")
>   ("l" text-scale-decrease "out"))
> (global-set-key (kbd "C-c") 'hydra-zoom/body)

But now this one suffers from other problems:
- `C-h k` does not let me directly find the binding of `C-c g`.
- A `C-c a` binding in a lower keymap is now made unavailable.
- A `C-c a` binding in a higher keymap now makes this hydra unavailable.

> In Style 1, you allow the hydra to share the "keymap space" with other
> bindings not related to that hydra.
> In Style 2, the hydra takes over the whole "keymap space". In above Style 2
> example, the "C-c" space is completely ruled by the hydra-zoom hydra.

I want it all.  Don't get me wrong: I fully understand that hydra.el
works within the constraints of what Emacs provides and so it has to
choose between style 1 or style 2, but if we're talking about
integrating this into Emacs, then we should take the opportunity to lift
those restrictions.


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