Thanks. That works well, but only shows named source blocks in the
particular file.
Is there a way to make it show library of babel blocks too?
On 11/15/2017 02:56 PM, Berry, Charles wrote:
On Nov 15, 2017, at 11:04 AM, Deepak Cherian <> wrote:
Has anyone here managed to configure ivy or helm to show a list of named source
blocks that org knows about?
I am imagining this workflow:
1. M-x org-babel-insert-named-source-block (imaginary function)
2. List of named source blocks pops up
3. Hit enter and "#+call: name-of-source-block()" is inserted at point.
org has its own function for listing named src-blocks.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun my-insert-named-src-block
( &optional template )
(let ((template (or template "#+call: %s()\n"))
(completing-read "Enter src block name[or TAB or ENTER]: "
(unless (string-equal "" src-block)
(insert (format template src-block)))))
M-x my-insert-named-src-block TAB <click on name>