Gregor Zattler <> writes: > Dear org-mode users and developers, I frequently use C-u C-c C-w > in order to jump to a heading in one of my org agenda files > (using helm as a selection framework). > > Alas this only works when invoked from org-mode buffers or from > the agenda if point is on an org agenda item (as opposed e.g. to > a line containing the date, or empty time grid lines). > > I wish for C-u org-refile functionality (call it org-jump or > whatever) which would not depend on context, in order for me > being able to bind it to a key in the global key map. > > Is this already doable? Otherwise I wish for this > functionality.
You could define a simple command in your init like (defun my/org-goto-agenda-heading () (interactive) (org-refile '(4))) and bind that to whatever you'd like. -- Kyle