>>> "Yury" == Yury G Kudryashov <ur...@urkud.name> writes:
> Uwe Brauer writes: >> Thanks but the following file does not work neither >> that is running org-babel-tangle gives me >> >> Tangled 0 code blocks from tangle2.org > You should add ":tangle yes" or ":tangle output.el" to header-args. Hm thanks but it does not work neither Please try this, for me nothing is tangled. * tangling with yes or link comments :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :comments org :tangle: output.el :END: The top block #+begin_src emacs-lisp :comments org (message "first block") #+end_src here's some text which won't be tangled ***** subheading another block | 1 | first | | 2 | second | #+source: tangle-el-the-second #+begin_src emacs-lisp (message "second") #+end_src and finally a block with a =:noweb= header argument #+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes (progn <<tangle-el-the-second>>) #+end_src