Hello, I want to use orgmode for literate programming with Coq. I like the "edit in major mode" org-edit-src-edit feature, but it exports only the current src block to the temprorary buffer, so it's impossible to debug the file in the temporary buffer using coq-mode (proofgeneral) "phrase by phrase" execution.
I think that some other languages may have similar problems. Say, code completion works better, if the whole file is available. I propose the following feature: 1. When the temporary buffer is created, - the whole session (or all the code with that will go to one file when tangling) is written to the buffer; - all the code except for the current block is marked as read-only. 2. When writing the temporary buffer back to the main file, drop the read-only regions. An even more useful (though may be harder to implement) version: 1. When the temporary buffer is created, - then whole session is written to the temporary buffer; - before each block, a commented line with some meta-data (original buffer, line range, src-block #+NAME attribute) is inserted; - these commented lines are made read-only, while the blocks are left read-write. 2. When writing back, each block is rewritten. This way a user may have file headers (#include in C/C++, imports in Python etc) in one #src block, and easily modify it while editing some "main" code in a temporary buffer. Unfortunately, I'm new to (e)lisp, so I'm not sure whether I'll manage to implement these features myself. -- Sincerely yours, Yury G. Kudryashov