* lisp/org-clock (org-clocktable-steps): Fix weekly-step clock report
  ignoring hours between start of period and start of week, when start
  of period is on a day of week numerically less than start of week.

  Clock report now always inserts a "week" starting at the start of
  the period, if necessary; all following weeks start on the start of
  the week as expected.

 lisp/org-clock.el              | 11 ++++-
 testing/lisp/test-org-clock.el | 99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-clock.el b/lisp/org-clock.el
index 9dc501500..d4d88144b 100644
--- a/lisp/org-clock.el
+++ b/lisp/org-clock.el
@@ -2725,7 +2725,9 @@ LEVEL is an integer.  Indent by two spaces per level above 1."
       (setq te (float-time (apply #'encode-time (org-parse-time-string te))))))
     (setq tsb
 	  (if (eq step0 'week)
-	      (- ts (* 86400 (- (nth 6 (decode-time (seconds-to-time ts))) ws)))
+	      (let ((dow (nth 6 (decode-time (seconds-to-time ts)))))
+		(if (< dow ws) ts
+		  (- ts (* 86400 (- dow ws)))))
     (setq p1 (plist-put p1 :header ""))
     (setq p1 (plist-put p1 :step nil))
@@ -2735,9 +2737,14 @@ LEVEL is an integer.  Indent by two spaces per level above 1."
       (setq p1 (plist-put p1 :tstart (format-time-string
 				      (org-time-stamp-format nil t)
 				      (seconds-to-time (max tsb ts)))))
+      (setq tsb (+ tsb (let ((dow (nth 6 (decode-time (seconds-to-time tsb)))))
+			 (if (or (eq step0 'day)
+				 (= dow ws))
+			     step
+			   (* 86400 (- ws dow))))))
       (setq p1 (plist-put p1 :tend (format-time-string
 				    (org-time-stamp-format nil t)
-				    (seconds-to-time (min te (setq tsb (+ tsb step)))))))
+				    (seconds-to-time (min te tsb)))))
       (insert "\n" (if (eq step0 'day) "Daily report: "
 		     "Weekly report starting on: ")
 	      (plist-get p1 :tstart) "\n")
diff --git a/testing/lisp/test-org-clock.el b/testing/lisp/test-org-clock.el
index 30a69ea45..51ca1d458 100644
--- a/testing/lisp/test-org-clock.el
+++ b/testing/lisp/test-org-clock.el
@@ -828,5 +828,104 @@ CLOCK: [2016-12-28 Wed 11:09]--[2016-12-28 Wed 11:09] =>  0:00
 CLOCK: [2016-12-28 Wed 13:09]--[2016-12-28 Wed 13:09] =>  0:00"
             (test-org-clock-clocktable-contents ":tcolumns 2")))))
+(ert-deftest test-org-clock/clocktable/step ()
+  "Test \":step\" parameter in Clock table."
+  ;; Regression test: week crossing month boundary before :wstart
+  ;; day-of-week.
+  (should
+   (equal "
+Weekly report starting on: [2017-09-25 Mon]
+| Headline     | Time   |
+| *Total time* | *1:00* |
+| Foo          | 1:00   |"
+    (org-test-with-temp-text
+	"* Foo
+CLOCK: [2017-09-30 Sat 12:00]--[2017-09-30 Sat 13:00] =>  1:00
+CLOCK: [2017-10-01 Sun 11:00]--[2017-10-01 Sun 13:00] =>  2:00
+CLOCK: [2017-10-02 Mon 11:00]--[2017-10-02 Mon 14:00] =>  3:00"
+      (test-org-clock-clocktable-contents ":step week :block 2017-09 :stepskip0 t"))))
+  (should
+   (equal "
+Weekly report starting on: [2017-10-01 Sun]
+| Headline     | Time   |
+| *Total time* | *2:00* |
+| Foo          | 2:00   |
+Weekly report starting on: [2017-10-02 Mon]
+| Headline     | Time   |
+| *Total time* | *7:00* |
+| Foo          | 7:00   |
+Weekly report starting on: [2017-10-09 Mon]
+| Headline     | Time   |
+| *Total time* | *5:00* |
+| Foo          | 5:00   |
+	  (org-test-with-temp-text
+	      "* Foo
+CLOCK: [2017-09-30 Sat 12:00]--[2017-09-30 Sat 13:00] =>  1:00
+CLOCK: [2017-10-01 Sun 11:00]--[2017-10-01 Sun 13:00] =>  2:00
+CLOCK: [2017-10-02 Mon 11:00]--[2017-10-02 Mon 14:00] =>  3:00
+CLOCK: [2017-10-08 Sun 09:00]--[2017-10-08 Sun 13:00] =>  4:00
+CLOCK: [2017-10-09 Mon 09:00]--[2017-10-09 Mon 14:00] =>  5:00"
+	    (test-org-clock-clocktable-contents ":step week :block 2017-10 :stepskip0 t"))))
+  ;; :step day
+  (should
+   (equal "
+Daily report: [2017-10-02 Mon]
+| Headline     | Time   |
+| *Total time* | *3:00* |
+| Foo          | 3:00   |
+Daily report: [2017-10-03 Tue]
+| Headline     | Time   |
+| *Total time* | *0:00* |
+Daily report: [2017-10-04 Wed]
+| Headline     | Time   |
+| *Total time* | *0:00* |
+Daily report: [2017-10-05 Thu]
+| Headline     | Time   |
+| *Total time* | *0:00* |
+Daily report: [2017-10-06 Fri]
+| Headline     | Time   |
+| *Total time* | *0:00* |
+Daily report: [2017-10-07 Sat]
+| Headline     | Time   |
+| *Total time* | *0:00* |
+Daily report: [2017-10-08 Sun]
+| Headline     | Time   |
+| *Total time* | *4:00* |
+| Foo          | 4:00   |"
+	  (org-test-with-temp-text
+	      "* Foo
+CLOCK: [2017-09-30 Sat 12:00]--[2017-09-30 Sat 13:00] =>  1:00
+CLOCK: [2017-10-01 Sun 11:00]--[2017-10-01 Sun 13:00] =>  2:00
+CLOCK: [2017-10-02 Mon 11:00]--[2017-10-02 Mon 14:00] =>  3:00
+CLOCK: [2017-10-08 Sun 09:00]--[2017-10-08 Sun 13:00] =>  4:00
+CLOCK: [2017-10-09 Mon 09:00]--[2017-10-09 Mon 14:00] =>  5:00"
+	    (test-org-clock-clocktable-contents ":step day :block 2017-W40")))))
 (provide 'test-org-clock)
 ;;; test-org-clock.el end here

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