On Wednesday,  4 Oct 2017 at 07:49, Peter Davis wrote:


> By the way, I just re-installed Org from the package manager, so I'm now
> at
> Org mode version 9.1.1 (9.1.1-17-g24ea1b-elpa @
> /Users/peterdavis/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20171002/)
> I was hoping this would fix any possible installation inconsistency
> problems. Is there a better way to do this?

It's not so much which version has been installed but whether you are
picking up this version as opposed to the one built-in to Emacs.  You
have to make sure this version is picked up when org is loaded.  Do you
have any org related aspects in your initialisation that may be invoked
before Emacs is told about the new version?

: Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.1.1-87-g3c83f1

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