Do you get the following lines?
(you can erase them, they will be recreated).
If you click on the link, it should open okular or acrobat reader or
whatever displaying the plot.
Otherwise you can try a different format, PNG for instance:
#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=measurements :file timeseries.png
:results inline
On 01/10/2017 15:47, Peter Davis wrote:
On Sat, Sep 30, 2017, at 09:25 AM, Eric S Fraga wrote:
On Friday, 29 Sep 2017 at 17:32, Peter Davis wrote:
I'm sorry to belabor this, but I could use some help. I'd be willing to
pay a modest consulting fee, but I'm trying to solve a problem in a
timely way, as it would help me with healthcare decisions.
Basically, I want to plot a time series graph showing my PSA (prostate
specific antigen) over time. The PSA is measured at irregular intervals,
and has been for over 4 years (and hopefully will continue for many more
years.) That should be a simple enough graph. I've already got a
javascript d3 example that does this, but I'd like to embed it in a
document, and to be able to generate PDF.
This part is relatively straightforward. Using your data example, you
can do the following:
Thank you for the example, Eric. Running this gives me a page with the
table and the code on it, but no plot. Here's what *Messages* says:
gnuplot-mode 0.7-beta -- determining gnuplot version ......
gnuplot-mode 0.7-beta (gnuplot 5.2) -- report bugs with "C-c C-u"
Saving file /Users/peterdavis/Dropbox/Org/
Wrote /Users/peterdavis/Dropbox/Org/
Mark set
Saving file /Users/peterdavis/Dropbox/Org/
Wrote /Users/peterdavis/Dropbox/Org/
org-babel-exp process gnuplot at position 292...
Saving file /Users/peterdavis/Dropbox/Org/t.tex...
Wrote /Users/peterdavis/Dropbox/Org/t.tex
Processing LaTeX file ./t.tex...
PDF file produced.
Running open /Users/peterdavis/Dropbox/Org/t.pdf...done
Thank you.
The colouring bit is harder and I don't know whether it's possible or
not. I suggest you look at examples on the web, e.g.
to see if anything fits what you are trying to do.
: Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.1.1-78-gfbf47c
Email had 2 attachments:
1k (text/x-org)
+ signature.asc
1k (application/pgp-signature)