#+OPTIONS: latex:t toc:nil H:3 Hi,
I'm starting to use org-capture to create todo items. I set up a template like this #+BEGIN_SRC elisp '(org-capture-templates (quote (("t" "todo" checkitem (file+headline "~/org/todo.org" "Work") "")))) #+END_SRC and it generates new items next to the previous one without any blank line, neither one after it. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE * Work [0/4] - [ ] test1 - [ ] test2 - [ ] test3 - [ ] captured * Life [0/3] #+END_EXAMPLE how can I make it generate like this #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE * Work [0/4] - [ ] test1 - [ ] test2 - [ ] test3 - [ ] captured * Life [0/3] #+END_EXAMPLE regards, -- Amos Bird amosb...@gmail.com