Hi, Is there a way to have "figure" references in ODT exports be simply a flat list?
Meaning -- I would like "Example 1," "Example 2," etc. (or "Figure," doesn't really matter). With "num:nil," "Listing 1," "Listing 2," "Listing 3," but there is also a figure, which becomes "Figure 1." So there's a listing and a figure with the same index number. Hm. I am pretty sure this will not satisfy the journal's style requirements. It seems there is some customizability here[1], but which predicate should I use in place of org-odt--enumerable-image-p for listings? I'm willing to avoid SRC blocks if that will help. Also, it may not help to wrap all of these entities in FIGURE blocks, because I found (the hard way) ODT export fails if an image is inside a figure block. Thanks, hjh [1] http://orgmode.org/manual/Labels-and-captions-in-ODT-export.html#Labels-and-captions-in-ODT-export