Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> Hello,
> Stig Brautaset <> writes:
>> I have the following column-mode defined in =~/org/
>> #+BEGIN_SRC org
>>   ,#+COLUMNS: %TIMESTAMP(When) %ITEM(What) %CONFIRMED(Confirmed?){X/} 
>> %DAYS(Days){+}
>>   ,#+Confirmed_ALL: "[ ]" "[X]"
>> #+END_SRC
>> Is it possible to have the =%DAYS(Days){+}= part only sum up rows that
>> have an =[X]= in their =Confirmed?= property?
> Not out of the box. But you could write a function creating and updating
> another property, e.g., CHECKED_DAYS and have columns view display this
> instead.

Thank you! That's a great idea. I've managed to come up with the
following, which works interactively:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (defun sb/org-calc-confirmed-days ()
    "For an entry with both a `CONFIRMED' and `DAYS' property, calculate 
    (let ((days (org-entry-get nil "DAYS"))
          (confirmed (org-entry-get nil "CONFIRMED")))
      (when (and days
                 (string= "[X]" confirmed))
        (org-entry-put nil "CONFIRMED_DAYS" days))))

  (defun sb/org-map-confirmed-days ()
    "Map over entries and calculate confirmed days"
    (org-map-entries #'sb/org-calc-confirmed-days))

However, I would like to add an advice around =org-columns-compute-all=
to run the =sb/org-map-confirmed-days= function, and this I have not
been successful at. I've tried doing this:

: (add-function :before org-columns-compute-all #'sb/org-map-confirmed-days)

However, I keep getting the following error:

: Use of gv-ref probably requires lexical-binding
: advice--add-function: Symbol’s value as variable is void: 

I would appreciate if anyone has any insight into solving this.


PS: I'm using Emacs and Org both installed from Git, on macOS.

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