Hello, my minimal configuration: (setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "PROGRESS(p!)" "WAITING(w!)" "|" "DONE(d!)")))
(setq org-clock-persist 'history) (org-clock-persistence-insinuate) (setq org-log-into-drawer t) (setq org-log-done 'time) (defun rr/set-progress (last) "Set PROGRESS state if LAST is different." (when (not (string-equal last "PROGRESS")) "PROGRESS")) (setq org-clock-in-switch-to-state 'rr/set-progress) (defun rr/after-clock-stop (last) "Change TASK state after clock stop depends on LAST state." (when (not (or (string-equal last "WAITING") (string-equal last "DONE") (string-equal last "TODO"))) (if (y-or-n-p "Current task DONE? ") "DONE" "WAITING"))) (setq org-clock-out-switch-to-state 'rr/after-clock-stop) I have a simple org file: * TODO task 1 * TODO task 2 * TODO task 3 * TODO task 4 Steps to reproduce my issue: 1. Go to task 1 and clock-in. Result is: * PROGRESS task 1 :LOGBOOK: - State "PROGRESS" from "TODO" [2017-07-26 Wed 15:37] CLOCK: [2017-07-26 Wed 15:37] :END: * TODO task 2 * TODO task 3 * TODO task 4 2. Clock-out the task, answer y or n. Expected result: * DONE task 1 CLOSED: [2017-07-26 Wed 15:39] :LOGBOOK: - State "DONE" from "PROGRESS" [2017-07-26 Wed 15:39] - State "PROGRESS" from "TODO" [2017-07-26 Wed 15:37] CLOCK: [2017-07-26 Wed 15:37]--[2017-07-26 Wed 15:38] => 0:01 :END: * TODO task 2 * TODO task 3 * TODO task 4 Actual result: * DONE task 1 :LOGBOOK: - State "PROGRESS" from "TODO" [2017-07-26 Wed 15:37] CLOCK: [2017-07-26 Wed 15:37]--[2017-07-26 Wed 15:38] => 0:01 :END: * TODO task 2 * TODO task 3 * TODO task 4 There is no CLOSED log entry and change state from PROGRESS to DONE entry. Please help me to find proper configuration. Thank you in advance.