
"numbch...@gmail.com" <numbch...@gmail.com> writes:

> When I `org-store-link` in a local git repository file buffer, I got this
> link:
> [[git:~/.emacs.d/init/org-mode/init-my-org-hyperlink.el::develop@
> {2017-06-24}::202][git:~/.emacs.d/init/org-mode/init-my-org-hyperlink.el::develop@
> {2017-06-24}::202]]
> Then I insert link into Org-mode buffer.
> But when I open link with `[C-c C-o]`, it open git revision:
> ```
> "/tmp/org-git-8fd5f4cf5d17479ead7b4329024860e84b6f2453/init-my-org-hyperlink.el"
> ```
> This is not correct.
> My current `HEAD` (command: `git show HEAD`) is:
> ```
> commit 3cc7ee1792a7d7b8ddf51897f7b968af36bae745 (HEAD -> develop)

Thank you.

This is a contributed package. I'm Cc'ing the original author as he
might want to fix the issue.


Nicolas Goaziou

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