Hi Wanrong,
On Feb 11, 2009, at 6:00 PM, Wanrong Lin wrote:
Right now in the HTML export the TODO keywords have either
class="todo", or class="done". That loses all the face properties in
the original TODO keywords. I think the TODO keywords faces are
important visual aids to differentiate different types of TODO
items, so I just wonder whether it is possible to keep the faces in
the HTML.
Thank you for considering the above.
Yes, this makes sense. I now add, to each TODO keyword, an
additional class named after the keyword. For example:
<span class="todo kwd-WAITING">WAITING</span>
So each todo keyword gets class "todo" or "done" depending on which
general type it is. And in addition it gets itself, prefixed with
"kdw-", as class.
So go to your CSS file and configure like this:
.todo { font-weight:bold; }
.done { font-weight:bold; }
.TODO { color:red; }
.WAITING { color:orange; }
.DONE { color:green; }
Thanks to Sebastian Rose for the multiple-classes trick.
- Carsten
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