On Friday, 16 Jun 2017 at 10:25, Uwe Brauer wrote: > Hi > > I am sometimes in need to send my org-table spreadhseets to colleagues > who are using (sigh) excel. I thought sending csv would be enough but it > turns out,
[...] > I did not find any built in function so I came up with two solutions. > One is using gnumeric but then a path must be set to its binaries and > that is platform dependent. The other relies on `org-odt-convert' which > uses in my case LO/OO. Thanks for this. Works nicely! Great addition to the repertoire of useful emacs-lisp snippets. Would be great to have this incorporated into org. If gnumeric (ssconvert) can be an option, that would be great as well. -- : Eric S Fraga via Emacs 26.0.50, Org release_9.0.7-531-g530113
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