My TODO sequence is set up as following:
(setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "STARTED(s!)"
"WAITING(w@/!)" "MAYBE(m/!)" "DELEGATED(g@/!)" "DEFERRED(d!/!)"
"HOLD(h!/!)" "|" "DONE(x)" "CANCELED(c)")))
The state change logging is great, but I wonder whether we can further
improve it:
1. Can we also include the original state in the log message?
i.e.: instead of having
- State "DEFERRED" [2009-02-11 Wed 11:38]
we can have
- State "DEFERRED" from "HOLD" [2009-02-11 Wed 11:38]
The message will be clearer, and useful even when somebody edited the
TODO keyword in place without using the "org-todo" command (in that
case, simply looking at all the "destination states" in the log message
does not give us the right information).
2. Can we put all of those state change history logging messages into a
drawer like "STATE-HIST" (when the drawer is defined in org-drawers), so
it is less intrusive in the file?
Thank you for giving a thought on it.
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