"Charles C. Berry" <ccbe...@ucsd.edu> writes:

> You do have that wrong.  This is exactly what export filters and
> derived backends are for.  In fact, you can use both.  For an example,
> see
> http://orgmode.org/worg/exporters/filter-markup.html
> You will want to change `latex' to `html' in the
>       `(org-export-define-derived-backend ...)'
> call and delete all filters except for `:filter-headline'.  And revise
> `ox-mrkup-filter-headline' accordingly.

Thanks for checking me on this, but I still don't see it.

If I understand, a derived HTML backend with my own filter-headline
would let me add my own extra HTML *outside* the "<h1>...</h1>",
"<h2>...</h2>", etc, HTML that is generated by the base
org-html-headline filter.  But for the output I want I need to add my
extra HTML *inside* the contents of the "<hN>...</hN>" tags.  And I
don't see an export filter for this "..." part.

Or, maybe you suggest I do direct "surgery" on the TEXT argument that
gets passed in to the filter and insert the "..." that way?  I guess it
could work to find the end of the "<hN...>" opening tag and then insert
my "..." part.  I'll try this approach.


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