On Feb 10, 2009, at 9:46 PM, Rasmus Pank Roulund wrote:

Sorry for the late reply. This is regarind a bug in LaTeX export.
The trouble seems to happen when autofill is used. It
might be caused by something else. I am not sure. The thing is
that Org sometimes misintpretate $ as the currency symbolar
rather than "math" as in LaTeX-lingu. IMO the use of $ as a
currency symbol should be optional.

Here is an example of the error:

Org source:

  - Funktioner findes ved at sætte funktionen lige en given konstant
    $k$. Dermed bestemmes indifferentfunktion. Det ses nemt at
    $u(x_1, x_2)=k$.

LaTeX export:

\item Funktioner findes ved at sætte funktionen lige en given konstant
        \$k\$. Dermed bestemmes indifferentfunktion. Det ses nemt at
        $u(x_1, x_2)=k$.

I have pulled the newest revision of Org. The version is 6.22b.

Please remove your customization of org-format-latex-options.
You can do this by doing

M-x customize-variable RET org-format-latex-options RET

and then clicking on "Erase customizations", then
"Set for current session", then "Save for future sessions".

After that, re-make any customizations you want in that variable.

Some time ago I added a new matcher "$1" for single characters
between dollars like in this case.  People who have
customized this option unfortunately do not get to see it.

That said, Giovanni's proposal to use \(....\) is excellent
advice, at least in cases where using $..$ causes trouble.

- Carsten

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