> First of all, org 3.16c is very old indeed so *maybe* this works
> better in a more recent version?
Sorry, it is 6.16c :-) (Thanks Matthew!)
I believe it is the version bundled with the latest Emacsw32 from
ourcomments.org. I am using a Emacsw32 from December 2008.
Since I use win32 I am not able to use the provided update-script. 
Is is okay to overwrite the el files in the Emacs folder and recompile

> Second, you could help with an example which demonstrates the problem.
Sorry. I should have included examples in the first post.
Here is an example from the notes I am working on.
The LaTeX output is:

    \item Indtegnes i et $x_1/x_2$-diagram, evt. med indifferentkurver.
    \item Kurve, der sammensætte alle de bedste løsninger \$(x_1^{*},
          x_2^{*})$ ved varierende indkomst $m$.

Notice the \$ in the second item. Since I rarely use $ as a symbol but
use it all the time as math delimiter it would be more efficient to use
\$ when I actually need a $-sign.

Here is the corresponding Org code:

    - Indtegnes i et $x_1/x_2$-diagram, evt. med indifferentkurver.
    - Kurve, der sammensætte alle de bedste løsninger $(x_1^{*},
      x_2^{*})$ ved varierende indkomst $m$.

The trouble is probably caused by my auto-fill-mode hook, but I really
cannot stand long lines, and I absolutely love auto-fill-mode.

Here is an example of the information I would like to have washed out.
The LaTeX code contains the following:
      \texttt{SCHEDULED:} \texttt{<2008-12-30 ti>}
        \texttt{CLOCK:} [2008-12-30 ti 13:42]--[2008-12-30 ti 15:47] =>  2:05
Here is the corresponding Org code:
     * DONE Forbrugeroverskud
       SCHEDULED: <2008-12-30 ti>
         CLOCK: [2008-12-30 ti 13:42]--[2008-12-30 ti 15:47] =>  2:05

I have (setq org-export-with-timestamps t) btw.
With #+OPTIONS: <:nil time stamps are still present (after refreshing
and re-exporting).

Another thing on LaTeX Export: Why so much \texttt{}? Org stamps (and
tags) such as CLOSED are written with \texttt{}. I am not sure why.

On check boxes: Can their look be customized? I would rather use
\CheckedBox and \Square from the Wasysym package. It is LaTeX so there
is no reason to use ASCII persudo boxes (IMO, of course). 

Long post. Sorry. 

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