Hello all,

Some of my ledger babel calls have stopped working.  I have tracked it
down to a change in how backslashes are treated.  Formerly, I had
"...\n..." which was interpreted correctly but now require to escape the
backslash "...\\n...", as in the attached example.

I'm posting this as much as a heads up for others as anything else.  I
did not see any mention of this in the list or the change log but could
have obviously missed it easily (apologies if so).


: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs 26.0.50, Org release_9.0.6-407-gc28ec3
* test
This does not work:
#+call: year2016[:cmdline --format "%-20A %12T\n" bal --flat pay tax]()


This one does:
#+call: year2016[:cmdline --format "%-20A %12T\\n" bal --flat pay tax]()

: pay                      -35.00 £
: tax                       10.00 £
:                          -25.00 £

#+name: year2016
#+begin_src ledger :cmdline bal assets
  2016/05/03 * pay
      bank                                       25.00 £
      tax                                           10 £

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