@@latex:\textbf{@@@@html:<b>@@bold@@latex:}@@@@html:</b>@@_{subscripted} works 
well for latex and pdf.

But cannot bold in ODT format... I think html exporter is the same as ODT 
format before, but a little different...

So I choose using *bold*\mbox{}_{subscripted} , then in ODT file replace all 
the \mbox{} as blank...

在2017年05月01 23时49分, "Eric S Fraga"<e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk>写道:

On Monday,  1 May 2017 at 13:16, XP Chen wrote:
> Hi, everyone,
>     How to generate subscript followed overstriking when export to latex or 
> pdf, I want use general org-mode method to generate html format also.
>     Mix latex is ok as:      \textbf{d1}_{sub}
>     But org method like:  " *d1*_{sub} "  or   " *d1* _{sub} " cannot achieve.

The following works for me:  This is *bold*\mbox{}_{subscripted}
although probably only for LaTeX export... possibly okay for your use
case but not a general solution.

You could put inline LaTeX and HTML codes:

This is @@latex:\textbf{@@@@html:<b>@@bold@@latex:}@@@@html:</b>@@_{subscripted}

but this is incredibly ugly and difficult to parse...  but it works.
: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs 26.0.50, Org release_9.0.5-444-g998576

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