On 4/3/17 5:37 PM, Bruce V Chiarelli wrote:
> Daniele Nicolodi writes:
>> Hello,
>> there is a way in org-mode to insert a datetree entry without going
>> through the org-capture?  Ideally the function would jump to the
>> datetree and inser an headline for the current day if one is not
>> present, or move to the end of it if one is present.
>> I haven't found anything like this in the manual. I'm now digging in the
>> code. Hopefully it is not something too hard to implement with my
>> lacking elisp knowledge.
> I don't believe there really is one, but I've had to do it a couple of
> times myself. This is my solution (I'm not a lisp expert either, but it
> did the job):
> (defun bc/org-new-datetree-at-point
>        (interactive)
>        (org-up-heading-safe)
>        (org-datetree-find-date-create
>          (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute (org-today))
>          'subtree-at-point))
> This will make the datetree as a subheading of the current heading (or
> find it if it already exists). Getting rid of 'subtree-at-point will
> make the year a level 1 heading at the end of the file, like with
> org-capture.

Hi Bruce,

thanks for the hint, but I don't understand what `subtree-at-point` is
in your code, it does not seem to be defined in my emacs and
`org-datetree-find-date-create` has a third parameter that is
interpreted as a boolean. I'm confused.


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