Hi. My computer is running Mac OS, I would like to run some C code from my VPS which is running GNU/Linux Ubuntu. For example,
#+BEGIN_SRC C :dir /ssh:xuchunyang.me: puts("Hello, World!"); #+END_SRC but when I execute this code block with C-c C-c, it popups *Org-Babel Error Output* and here is its contents /bin/sh: 1: /ssh:xuchunyang.me:/tmp/C-bin-18285iKe: not found However, the file does exist and produce the desired output #+BEGIN_SRC sh :dir /ssh:xuchunyang.me: /tmp/C-bin-18285U4c #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: | Hello | World! | -- Emacs : GNU Emacs 26.0.50 (build 10, x86_64-apple-darwin16.4.0, NS appkit-1504.81 Version 10.12.3 (Build 16D32)) of 2017-03-28 Package: Org mode version 9.0.5 (release_9.0.5-401-g86ff11 @ /Users/xcy/src/org-mode/lisp/)