Hi Spike,

I would be interested in the solution. I faced a similar problem when
trying to publish the Worg-Site locally for testing.

The same behaviour (hanging, CPU usage) emerged, when publishing
the files under Worg/org-tutorials/org-R/. Files with big tables in
it. I couldn't find anything special in the files and suspected my
CVS-emacs and a memory problem. But you never know... my org setup is
more than one year old partially.



Spike Spiegel <fsm...@gmail.com> writes:
> On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Spike Spiegel <fsm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> After marking one of the tasks as DONE I wanted to test the archiving
>> feature. Setting ARCHIVE tag works just fine but if I try to save to
>> an archive fail (C-c C-x C-a) emacs immediately freezes and top shows
>> it's taking up all the CPU:
>> 43537 emacs       96.7%  5:12.23   1    15     63 9040K   364K    12M    26M
>> it won't ever come down and I have to kill it.
> Urm, I've "resolved" this. I've spent the last hr customizing my org
> settings and for whatever reason it now works fine, so there must have
> been some kind of setting that conflicted with it, I might try later
> to put back things as they were when I sent my initial email and try
> to comment stuff out and see if I can find the exact problem.
> btw, it was C-c C-x C-z, not C-a and talking about this in irc it
> seems I wasn't clear enough to describe the failure mode: C-g or C-z
> or anything else wouldn't do anything, all input appeared to be
> ignored.
> thanks

Sebastian Rose, EMMA STIL - mediendesign, Niemeyerstr.6, 30449 Hannover
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