
Anders Johansson <mejlaande...@gmail.com> writes:

> I want to fontify quote blocks (i use them a lot for note taking and
> writing paper) so that they stand out (and so I enable
> org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks) but it would be useful to preserve
> the local fontification of emphasis, links etc. inside quote blocks.
> This can easily be achieved with a patch like this org.el:
> 6096,6099c6096,6099
> <          ((string= block-type "quote")
> <           (add-face-text-property beg1 (min (point-max) (1+ end1))
> 'org-quote t))
> <          ((string= block-type "verse")
> <           (add-face-text-property beg1 (min (point-max) (1+ end1))
> 'org-verse t)))
> ---
>>           ((string= block-type "quote")
>>            (add-text-properties beg1 (min (point-max) (1+ end1))
>> '(face org-quote)))
>>           ((string= block-type "verse")
>>            (add-text-properties beg1 (min (point-max) (1+ end1))
>> '(face org-verse))))
> In this invocation add-face-text-property appends org-quote to the
> face property, and hence all other fontification is kept.
> Does this interfere with something else or what people would expect?
> In my view it looks much better, but I guess that can depend on the
> appearance of org-quote and org-verse (I have them as
> font-lock-comment-face, just a slightly different colour, on top of
> which italics etc. look good).

Sounds good. Could you provide a patch using git format-patch command?

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signed FSF copyright papers.

Thank you.


Nicolas Goaziou

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