
the Org Attach dispatcher offers a key "f" to open the attachment directory not 
in Emacs.

(defun org-attach-reveal (&optional if-exists)
  "Show the attachment directory of the current task.
This will attempt to use an external program to show the directory."
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((attach-dir (org-attach-dir (not if-exists))))
    (and attach-dir (org-open-file attach-dir))))

On my two systems this is the same a F, it opens in dired. xdg-open . uses 
dolphin to open inode/directory. How does Emacs/org determine which
application to use? How can I influence it?


P.S. Why are file associations such a mess on Linux. Emacs? KDE and Thunderbird 
all use different applications to open the same file...

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